
Savagery Production'$

Streaming live at 8 p.m.EST every Wednesday on Twitch

The Randy Savagery Show is an American podcaster, owned and operated by none other than Randy Savagery himself. Also a stand-up comedian skit writer and all-around digital content creator



CEO of Cyber info Media LLC

Randy Savagery growing up upper middle class in the Suburban Metro Detroit area half Dominican half Caucasian I discuss the hilarious dualities of being Multicultural in America. Former Classic Physique competitor and NPC bodybuilder show second place winner. But nothing miraculous because if you're not first you're last.

Comedian Extraordinaire 🇩🇴X🇺🇸

Comedian, Podcast personality, Brazilian jiu-jitsu blue belt holder. I am a mixed martial artist also trained in Muay Thai, I am the owner and operator of online training and dietary suggestions Programs, if you Gotta little Dick, but you want get some Chick's? The gym? With me? WILL KICK!

Patty the Baddie

Independent Associate: CEO an CFO /Owner and operator of “Dark Web Studios”Beat CreatorXSound Engineer yo what it is! It’s ya boy OZ da Ki, always coming at you with hot tracks and beats to create your hip hop music to, contact me on Facebook

Independent Associate: CEO an CFO /Owner and operator of “Dark Web Studios”

Beat CreatorXSound Engineer yo what it is! It’s ya boy OZ da Ki, always coming at you with hot tracks and beats to create your hip hop music to, contact me on Facebook



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